Margaret Lloyd
A Moment in the Field

A Moment in the Field

A Moment in the Field

Since I first saw him knighted in the court,
in the day and in the night,
in my mind and in my body
I have summoned him. Now
I look at an iron stake and the fire,
waiting for the sun to climb
under the pale blue sky that binds us.
Now, for a moment, I have given up.
The noise of the crowd is a new silence,
the sun on my shoulders, freedom—
a freedom I felt only before
when I was the daughter of a king,
walking in another field
in the first warmth of May.
What can my eyes follow
but a pale yellow butterfly moving
away from me, leaf after leaf?
Not that I am not afraid of burning,
but for a moment,
I tell you, I feel free. Almost
not wanting him to come out of the forest,
throwing a gown over my chemise,
pulling my body up on the back of his horse,
binding me, binding me to him once again.

Plinth Books
18 Woodrow Street
West Hartford CT 06107